Winter 2013 | Nagarote, Nicaragua | Cornell University Sustainable Design
Sostenica Founder Alan Wright
Collaboration with Ethan Keller and Maria Reyes
The outhouse is a personal architecture, a space to reconnect with nature. A composting toilet looks primitive but houses intelligent biological processes. Dry composting toilets require no flushing. Dual chamber systems allow waste to compost in one area while the other is in use. Our team decided to embed the chambers into the slope, for easy compost removal from toilet to the fields. We then designed a modest but beautiful enclosure of natural materials. Over winter 2013, our team helped procure materials for construction and assist in digging the foundation. Locally sourced bricks and eucalyptus rods were used for construction. The project was funded by Cornell University Sustainable Design and the local nonprofit Sostenica.
Sostenica Founder Alan Wright
Collaboration with Ethan Keller and Maria Reyes
The outhouse is a personal architecture, a space to reconnect with nature. A composting toilet looks primitive but houses intelligent biological processes. Dry composting toilets require no flushing. Dual chamber systems allow waste to compost in one area while the other is in use. Our team decided to embed the chambers into the slope, for easy compost removal from toilet to the fields. We then designed a modest but beautiful enclosure of natural materials. Over winter 2013, our team helped procure materials for construction and assist in digging the foundation. Locally sourced bricks and eucalyptus rods were used for construction. The project was funded by Cornell University Sustainable Design and the local nonprofit Sostenica.